Canon Missioner Named for DNE
Sept. 23rd, 2023
Canon Missioner Named
Members of the Diocese of the Northeast Standing Committee met for their spring session on the 17th of June to discuss and consider the needs of our parishes. Upon review of the Diocese and it’s operating Churches, Missions, and initiatives, It was evident that clergy availability continues to impact our ability to meet the needs of existing parishes. To that end, The Right Reverend Dr Alexander H. Webb, Bishop Ordinary to the Diocese of the Northeast, has appointed Fr Matt Mirabile of Trinity Anglican Church in Rochester NH to serve as the Canon of Missioner for our diocese.
"I am grateful and excited about my appointment to the office of Canon Missioner. I love Christ’s church and have been an advocate for parish development and church planting for many years. I am passionate about seeing churches thrive and grow.
As Canon Missioner I will continue to work with the Standing Committee Sub-group, formed earlier this year to address the imperative for mission and evangelism. This group includes Cn Brad Mathias, Dn. Michael, McKinnon-Dane, Tom Sample and Phil Turner, all members of the Standing Committee. As well as Mr. Lew Ricker, a postulant for the deaconate at Trinity. We recently met to discuss the needs and create a proposal for the bishop. I have dubbed this effort the PRiME Initiative: Parish Renewal Investment Mission and Evangelism. This effort will also provide a working plan for my ministry as Canon Missioner.
When the topic of church growth is raised, concerns about programs and goals and market-driven methods often drown out meaningful progress. Rest assured, our approach is much more gospel-centered and organic. Something I call, person-centered renewal. Church growth is not a process of programs, but about investment in the spiritual development of people. That said, effective programs and methods support parish renewal in critical ways.
As Canon Missioner I hope to encourage and supply our parishes with effective tools and strategies so their missions can thrive and will seek to stimulate and develop mission activities throughout the diocese. My goals include moving us from ad hoc methods of mission to proven strategies, helping parishes assess and overcome obstacles to growth, and match new clergy to missions or church planting opportunities.
I covet your prayers as I serve the bishop and diocese in this capacity. "
Canon Matt Mirabile - Rector Trinity Rochester
“I am very proud and grateful that Fr. Matt Mirabile has accepted my appointment to be the Canon Missioner of the Diocese of the Northeast. Canon Matt has extensive experience developing and leading congregations to greater health and vitality in the Lord. He has a love for Jesus that is infectious and has the inner need to bring others, individual and congregational, into a deeper relationship with their Savior.
The Diocese of the Northeast is one of the largest dioceses in the entire Traditional Anglican Church. However, it is not possible for us to rest in that knowledge. We must continually strive to work for the building up of the Body of Christ in that land which has been entrusted to us. We must constantly reach out to the unchurched with the Good News of Jesus. Canon Matt is and will be a superb leader in that effort. He has already gathered around him a committee of clergy and laity who will bring fresh ideas and support to the whole Diocese as we continue to work for the Kingdom of God.
I thank Canon Matt for his willingness to serve the Lord and His Church in this important ministry.”
Your brother and Bishop,
+Hendy Webb