Christmas Message 2020 from Abp. Juan B. Garcia
The Anglican Church in America
Office of the Presiding Bishop
Obispo Juan B. García Germain

Christmas Message 2020
“For the Grace of God has appeared bringing salvation for all people” (Titus 2:11)
In this year, there have been so many disappointments, turbulence, pain, and fear in our lives that many might think that there will be no Christmas. I can assure you that yes; there will be Christmas! No doubt it will be quieter than in other years, but it will be more profound. Probably very similar to the first one where Jesus was born in loneliness in the Manger in Bethlehem. With the star that guided shepherds and the Wise Men to His presence. The star that we were able to see again after so many years, with the sparkling routes of life in its immensity. We need that same light in the midst of so much darkness that we live these days.
We will miss many loved ones in our gatherings because we are not allowed to have gatherings due to Covid-19, but the most Important One will be with us. He will make himself present in our lives to fulfill all of our needs. The only requirement is to open our hearts to receive Him in humbleness, looking always for the truth.
Let us go and adore Him as others did that night in Bethlehem. God has come to our encounter and has shown us His face, rich in Grace and Mercy. That his cometh is not in vain; let’s go and find Him. Let’s be guided with His light. Let’s go to Him with confidence and gladness to adore him forever.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Yours in Christ.
+ Juan B. García Germain